Angela Doan – Graphic Design Portfolio

Seneca Libraries

by Angela Doan • Mariam Maqbool • Kendra Smith • Tommy Su • Sabrina Yoshioka

The objective of this project was to explore the current relationship of Seneca Libraries with continuing education students through research and design thinking to address and propose solutions to the problem statement: “How might we build a stronger relationship between Seneca Libraries and Continuing Education students to enhance their use of virtual library services?” Throughout this research, the team took on the perspectives of all stakeholders involved in the project in order to better understand their mutual and individual needs and to come up with valid solutions. By interviewing stakeholders, combined with other primary and secondary online research, we were able to identify and define pain points to journey map continuing education student experiences with Seneca Libraries. Based off of our research, we came to ideate and propose three potential solutions supported by storyboards and mockups that were presented to library liaisons.

Link to Report